7.00 pm
Thursday, May 27
Meeting Room
Lyttelton Recreation Centre
Matt Jones
(Unite trade union)
Paul Piesse
(former organiser, local government union)
Fay Birch
(cleaner and personal grievance expert)
Philip Ferguson
(Canterbury University)
Over the past 25 years, workers have found ourselves working longer hours for relatively less pay, while employers have been raking in massive profits.
The minimum wage remains too low for any sort of decent existence; laws stop us from using the strike weapon to fight lay-offs and support each other in struggle; indirect taxes (like GST) go up, hitting low- to middle-income people hardest.
The gap in wealth and income in New Zealand continues to grow under both Labour- and National-led governments.
The latest budget helps this process along.
Come along to this meeting and hear about, and discuss, why GST should be scrapped, the minimum wage lifted, and restrictions on workers’ right to strike abolished.