April 30th is the final day that the elected ECan councillors will be in place at the regional council. The National government - with ample assistance from Rodney Hide and Bob Parker - have rushed through legislation to strip the citizens of Canterbury of their vote, and transfer water and wealth to the few corporations and farmers that have no interest in the impact such actions will have on the environment.
This is our chance to say NO! Give us back our vote! Give us back our council! Give us back our water conservation orders - which had nothing to do with ECan at all, but were tacked onto the bill because of the obstacle they provided for irrigation interests.
Come to the steps of ECan at the end of the day on Friday. Bring placards, posters, drums, megaphones. Bring friends, family, colleagues. Bring your loudest voice.
At a little after 6pm, those who are keen may want to make the short walk down to the Copthorne Hotel, where the Nats are holding a 'victory party'. Called the "Jenny Shipley Lecture", the topic of this years event is "Canterbury Water - A Collaborative Approach", which is as insulting as it is inaccurate. Nick Smith, Bob Parker, various Canterbury National MPs, Mark Solomon from Ngai Tahu and various other irrigation and farming interests will be gathering together to celebrate the takeover and laugh maniacally. This is the perfect opportunity to let them know they have massively misjudged public opinion, and that they pay for it as soon as we have the chance to vote them out.
More information visit: Our Water Our Vote