Our Water Our Vote

Action this week 
The loss of our elected regional council, the loss of water conservation orders and our right to argue for or against them, is a loss for democracy


Wednesday  June 9th
6.30 pm
Isaac Theatre Royal
Worcester St

During his next visit to Christchurch on 9 June we need to show John Key and the nation that we are not happy with the dismissal of our elected councillors and his plans for our water. He needs to know that we do not want our rivers, lakes wetlands and aquifers destroyed. He also needs to know that we do not want agribusiness to be given vast quantities of pure water free of charge while we are forced to pay high water rates for a restricted supply of chlorinated and contaminated water.

For those who can afford it Tickets cost $7 and are available from Ticketek and the Press offices. There will be a part open microphone for questions.

More Information click here


Sunday, June 13th 
3:00pm - 6:00pm
Cathedral Square

Speakers Graham Wardrop and Liz Braggins; Brian Turner; Lydia Bradey; Brian Deans; Robin Judkins; Morgan Waru; Peter Beck; Ariana Tikao. 

In case of rain, the Cathedral will be open to us - so try be one of the first 800!

More Information click here 

KEEP AN EYE ON Our Water, Our Vote (ourwaterourvote.org.nz)