The Maritime Union is hosting a public meeting on the future of the Port of Timaru this week.
Thursday 17th September
All concerned local people are invited to the meeting, including port workers, unions, business, industry, farmers, and all those concerned with the future of the port.
The Maritime Union will be represented by General Secretary Trevor Hanson and National President Phil Adams as well as local representatives.
Mr Hanson says national and local government representatives have been invited.
He says the driver for the meeting is the recent decision by Fonterra to bypass the Port of Timaru for its exports.
Mr Hanson says this is a mistake and will have bad outcomes for the regional economy.
"In our view it is imperative that the move by Fonterra is reviewed and a co-ordinated plan be put in place to ensure that the future of the Port of Timaru is not undermined."
This issue is of great importance and Timaru deserves a say on its own future, he says.
"This decision will have a significant impact on employment in Timaru. The major impact will be felt over time if the Port of Timaru becomes a second rate port due to the current situation, which could threaten many different businesses and future economic development in the Timaru region."
Mr Hanson says those affected include port workers, farmers, exporters, the marine and maritime industry, local retailers, and all those whose livelihood depends directly or indirectly on the Port of Timaru.
He says similar problems have been experienced in other regional ports, such as New Plymouth, but it appears a stronger and more co-ordinated response has improved the situation in those regions.
"It is our view that Timaru needs to come together on this issue and fight for its future."

More Information
> Port of Timaru Campaign webpage
> Maritime Union of New Zealand webpage
> Timaru Herald coverage