Quite what it is about ordinary working people getting together to talk about a ‘response to the financial crisis’ isn’t that clear – MP’s talk about it, business people talk about it, even Union spokesperson talk about it - the prospect however of the subjects of all this discussion (workers) wanting to have a go has unsettled some. Among them GOclassifieds where we had hoped to spend a very limited advertising budget.

No can do - our advert referred to “websites* which contain propaganda” and the email continues “ even without the websites we cannot place them in community notices". You can find all the emails here.
Here’s the propaganda they didn’t want you to see
Community Notice for the Workers Rights Campaign
"A Workers Response to the Financial Crisis”
A teach-in organised by the Workers Rights Campaign
Saturday May 2nd
NOTE: *one of our number was placing two advertisements one about the Cuba Hurricane Appeal Gig for the Christchurch Cuba Friendship Society and ours.