EPMU News Special
March 30th 2009
March 30th 2009
You might have heard that Zeal 320 flight attendants belonging to the EPMU are taking industrial action at Air New Zealand. Now they need your help.
These workers are paid tens of thousands of dollars a year less than people doing the same job but who are employed directly by Air New Zealand. They just want some basic fairness.
But rather than negotiate a fair deal the airline has spent six months stalling, has been threatening our members with legal action, has misled the public about their wages in the media and is now trying to hire strike-breakers through Hudson Recruitment. (You can see the job advert online here.)
We know the airline has already tried to get other Air New Zealand flight attendants to strike-break but Air New Zealanders have stood by their co-workers and refused to do it. Hiring people in from the outside is the airline's last option.
The union is looking into what action it can take about Air New Zealand's strike-breaking, including whether it is even lawful. But the fact is this dispute will be won or lost industrially, not in the courts.
And that's where you and every other Kiwi who believes in fairness at work comes in.
We figure if Air New Zealand wants job applications to work in the airline then let's send them job applications - as many as we can.
Maybe you once dreamed about working in the airline business, or maybe your kids still do. Maybe you've never considered it before. In any case, the more people that apply for the job the better.
You can apply by clicking here.
These workers are paid tens of thousands of dollars a year less than people doing the same job but who are employed directly by Air New Zealand. They just want some basic fairness.
But rather than negotiate a fair deal the airline has spent six months stalling, has been threatening our members with legal action, has misled the public about their wages in the media and is now trying to hire strike-breakers through Hudson Recruitment. (You can see the job advert online here.)
We know the airline has already tried to get other Air New Zealand flight attendants to strike-break but Air New Zealanders have stood by their co-workers and refused to do it. Hiring people in from the outside is the airline's last option.
The union is looking into what action it can take about Air New Zealand's strike-breaking, including whether it is even lawful. But the fact is this dispute will be won or lost industrially, not in the courts.
And that's where you and every other Kiwi who believes in fairness at work comes in.
We figure if Air New Zealand wants job applications to work in the airline then let's send them job applications - as many as we can.
Maybe you once dreamed about working in the airline business, or maybe your kids still do. Maybe you've never considered it before. In any case, the more people that apply for the job the better.
You can apply by clicking here.
There's more information as well as template CVs for you to base your application on at our campaign website.
Simply change the details on the template CVs and send it on to Hudson Recruitment.
If you don't have the time to apply please send them an email to tell them to stop strikebreaking. Just make sure you put their reference number (BZ/28520) for the strike breaker jobs in the subject line.
To find out more about the campaign and why we're taking the action we are visit our webpage.
You can also support Zeal workers through the Facebook supporters group here.
Thank you for your support. We're stronger together!